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sex is easy                                                                                  hitler is tod

sex  is funny                                                             hip hop is krank

and some people                                                                        nazis verreggen

fuck for money                                                                           es lebe der PUNK!

if you think fuck is funny

fuck yourself and save your money!!!

when you go me on the nerven

i'll put you into the gully

do the deckel druff

and you never come back to the tageslicht!!!

I was sleeping very well,

in my quietschy bettgestell,

doch in the middle of the nacht,

is et dann zusammgekracht!

When you're going me on the nerven,

I putt you in the mülltonne and do the deckel druf,

then I schups you down the kellertreppe,

and you'll never see the tageslicht again!!    



mini-baby-dance!!!*los kreisch*...*oda au nich*...:D